Educational Background Of Richard March Hoe

Educational Background Of Richard March Hoe

Richard March Hoe hometown and educational background?

Daftar Isi

1. Richard March Hoe hometown and educational background?


Richard March Hoe (1812-1886), American inventor and manufacturer, invented a high-speed printing press that helped revolutionize the newspaper industry in the United States. Richard Hoe was born in New York City. After a common school education he went to work for his father, who manufactured printing presses.

2. why richard march hoe is famous

Richard March Hoe is famous because he is an American inventor who designed an improved printing press.

3. What is Laura E. Richards background?


Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards was an American writer. She wrote more than 90 books including biographies, poetry, and several for children. One well-known children's poem is her literary nonsense verse "Eletelephony".


I hope sana nakatulong at kung mali nmn po pakitama nlng po

Born: 27 February 1850, Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Died: 14 January 1943, Gardiner, Maine, United States

Children: Laura Elizabeth Richards, Henry Howe Richards, Rosalind Richards, more

Movies: Captain January

Awards: Pulitzer Prize for Biography or Autobiography


Dagdag mo na Rin to

4. In digging the ground, the hoe broke. * A. digging the ground B. hoe broke C. ground D. hoe (effect)






B. Hoe broke po

is answer




5. richard cory how does the author and historical background helped you in understanding the poem


Richard Cory" presents a large gap between the rich and the poor. Edwin Robinson had written the poem in 1893 and at that time, the American economy is suffering from depression even two years after The Panic of 1893. As a result, this gap had been widened dramatically. The poem's emphasis on Cory’s wealth, in comparison to the relative poverty of the narrator’s community—a community that survives the poem when Cory does not—stresses one of the poem’s possible morals: money does not guarantee happiness.

The narrator’s community, “we people on the pavement,” appear to be geographically separated from Richard Cory. They seem to be regular residents of these "down town" streets, while Cory only visits this neighborhood. Downtown neighborhoods are usually centers of business and commerce—meaning they are often louder, dirtier, and more crowded than other parts of the city. The fact that Cory does not have to live there, then, immediately suggests that he probably does not have to get his hands dirty with work in the same way as the rest of the speaker's community.


6. What is the image of the man with the hoe? (Poem The Man With the Hoe by Edwin Markham)

Man With The Hoe

The image of the man with the hoe would be a hardworking individual receiving not enough privilege or simply saying over work but under paid.

On the poem by Edwin Markham, it explains how hard it is to live a life that all of us have dreamed and been wanting of. Basically, in a life of a human being, everyone needs to work in order to earn money.

The question now is how hard are we working in order to achieve our goals and live the life that we have ever dreamed of. Challenges would arise and getting the right paying employer would be very hard at first. There are employers who would help you be shaped to become successful in life and there are some that would just use your skills to be able for them to succeed and it may sound selfish but it happens in real life.  

Having a good and proper education may add points for you to be able to get a well-paying job however, life is hard and not all can be able to afford to go to good schools or even finish school due to financial issue or problem.

There are employers who would also hire people even though they do not have a degree to show. Some may become successful in it but most of the time people are being used and not treated fairly.  

It always depends on us if we would tolerate being treated unfairly by some employers. According to the poem, the man has been deprived of basic freedom and treated like a slave. Slave who would serve and please their masters all their lives. It is as if they have given their whole life to their masters.  

Not treated fairly at work or being treated as a slave is not a healthy work environment. It will fully consume you until you get exhausted and give up.  

Do not let yourself be treated unfairly. Work at your best and make sure you do not let yourself be used by someone in power.

These are some links that is related to this topic:

7. this type of program music is only used between scenes or for particularly important moments in the play. it can play background music, interludes, dances, and marches​



Step-by-step explanation:

tells a story that conveys images, poems, ideas, or scenes without words

- endowed with literary or pictorial associations that are indicated by the title of the piece-- the "program"

- supplied by the COMPOSER

- distinguished from absolute music or pure music


8. hoe are the religious education subjects influence you to become a true salettinian?​


It helps with their own personal development & supports an understanding of the spiritual, moral, social & cultural questions that surface again & again in their lives


9. give three educational problem in the philippines that you are experiencing in the school.doscuss hoe you could possibly address these problems at your own level​

sorry but need pointss

10. what is the summary of "what is liberal education"? by richard livingstone.

Liberal Education by Richard Livingston celebrates the contribution of 21st liberal education to the empowerment and further development of the youth. This kind of education provides a student all the necessary tool that can be applied in many situations. Moreover, a liberal education would prompt an individual to choose what he needs or wants for himself in the real world.
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11. According to the Poet (The Man With The Hoe) Who is responsible for the condition or state of the man with the hoe?

Yung magsasaka or the farmer. :) He is the person said on the poem

12. In The man with the hoe, what does the hoe symbolizes?


The Hoeman is the symbol of betrayed humanity, the Toiler ground down through ages of oppression, through ages of social injustice.


It portrays the hard labor of much of humanity using the symbolism of a laborer leaning upon his hoe, over burdened by his work, but receiving hardly any rest or reward.

13. What Richard Cory appeared to be?What people thought RichardCory to be?What Richard Cory thoughthimself to be?​

1.) describes a person who is wealthy, well educated, mannerly, and admired by the people in his town.

2.)Town people envy Richard cory because He is handsome and well dressed. He was educated, polite, and rich.

3.)wealth and status don't ensure happiness


14. According to the poet THE MAN WITH THE HOE, who is responsible for the condition or state of the man with the hoe

For me, the one who is responsible for the condition or state of the man with the hoe is the Government or the Society.Of course, the LEADERS are responsible for the conditions or state of man with the hoe.

15. According to the Poet (The Man With The Hoe) Who is responsible for the condition or state of the man with the hoe?

The landlord or the owner of the land is responsible for the condition of the man The peasant man are responsible for the condition or state of the man with the hoe.

16. In the poem the man with the hoe what does the bent of the man with the hoe signify

The man is having trouble breathing and is struggling to continue working.  

He is hunched over trying to catch his breath.

Have a good Day and good luck :)

17. “The Man with the Hoe”1. What is the image of the man with the hoe?Describe him.2. What does the bent body of the man with the hoe signify?3. According to the poet,who is responsible for the condition or state of the man with the hoe?4. Who are the modern “Man with the hoe”Unhelpful will be report​

1) What is the image of the man with the hoe? Describe him.

According to the image, the man with the hoe is tall, hard working, and patient. I can say that base on the image he is patient while working and a kind person.

2) What does the bent body of the man with the hoe signify?

The bent body of the man with the hoe signify that he is an old man. He works with that in so many years and he is tired of what he's doing.

3) According to the poet, who is responsible for the condition or state of the man with the hoe?

The masters, lords, and rulers in all land is responsible for the condition or state of the man with the hoe because base on the poet, it says there that he is a slave which suffers in many years because of the judges of the world and betrayal.

4) Who are the modern “Man with the hoe”

Edwin Markham is the modern “Man with the hoe” base on the writer of the poet. This poet also relates to the world today, for most of the people today are greedy, unfair, and they don't respect others. Some are heartless, but we should always remember to love one another as we love ourselves for God loves us.

(The photos attached is the criteria, image of the “Man with the hoe”, and the poet. God bless and stay safe po.)


18. Description of Animation Effects :Blinking Background :Las Vegas Lights :Marching Red Ants :Shimmer :Sparkle-Text


INTRODUCTION to the subsystems of the Philippines

19. In The man with the hoe, what does the hoe symbolizes?


The hoe means the man's hardwork.


The main theme of the poem "The man with the hoe" is that difficult physical work with no reward totally dehumanizes an individual. The accompanying line entireties the subject of the sonnet: Stolid and shocked, a brother to the ox? The worker has been dehumanized and brutalized so much that he has turned out to be right around a ox!

His back is 'bowed by the weight of centuries,' signifying that he represents all the multitude of burdened, impoverished farmers whose sweat is emblematic of suffering and degradation. The man with the hoe is a 'Slave of the wheel of labor.' The wheel here symbolizes never-ending servitude.

The Poem. It is a striking poem of challenge against exploited work. In the wake of review French craftsman Jean-François Millet's reality renowned painting of a worker inclining toward his digger, The Man with the Hoe (1862), Markham was motivated to compose his sonnet in 1898.

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20. What's the difference between light hoe and grab hoe?

Light hoe is used for removing weeds and loosening soil in vegetable bed and under plants while a grub hoe is primarily used to dig and till the soil. It will chop through sod to break it up and allow removal. It will also work in both firm and soft soil. In soft soil it is usually just used for tilling (mixing) the soil.

21. what are your thoughts about these people?they became billionaires despite not having a college degree: bill gates,steve,jobs,mark zuckerberg,michael dell and Richard branson.what is your stand on education? is education necessary or not​


the billionaires despite not having a college degree doesn't matter. Success is all about using our talent as jobs to help us. education can be necessary because we need knowledge or understanding in a job we may need in the future.

22. THE MAN WITH THE HOE Who are the modern "man with the hoe"?

The modern man with the hoe is:
1) an alien in a foreign land who is hired even without proper working documents.  They are the illegal aliens exploited by employers who threatened alert the immigration bureau if they don't agree to employer's conditions, that is, low wages, poor working conditions.

2) laborers who work to earn a living but whose benefits are denied to them because employer believes it would cost him more.

3) workers who are not paid proper wages and benefits like drivers and domestic helpers.

4) Employees, though paid handsomely, are not recognized and appreciated for their hard work and dedication.

23. pwede po pahelp gumawa ng background of database Title:Baryo Tapsihan:Sales record for the month of march 2023​


Baryo Tapsihan is a popular restaurant located in the heart of the city. Known for its delicious food and friendly service, Baryo Tapsihan has been serving customers for many years. In order to keep track of its sales and monitor its performance, Baryo Tapsihan maintains a database of its sales records. This database includes information on the restaurant’s sales for each month, including the total amount of sales, the number of customers served, and the most popular menu items.

The database titled “Baryo Tapsihan: Sales Record for the Month of March 2023” contains information on the restaurant’s sales for the month of March 2023. This information can be used by the restaurant’s management to analyze its performance and make informed decisions about its operations.

24. DepED11PhysicalEducation andHealthQuarter 1 - Mo lule 1:Health Optimizing I (H.O.P.E)1Exercise for FitnessWAM Hoe 2Modus​

Answer:activities to be done to improve


25. What is liberal education by sir richard livingstone?

Liberal Education by sir Richard Livingstone

Sir Richard Livingstone was a British classicist and university administrator, renowned for promoting the value of classical education. First published in 1954, this volume presents the content of two books which originally appeared during the early 1940s. Forming the first part of the text, The Future in Education provides an account which is largely based around perceived failures within the British education system, reflecting the view that 'It is not a question of what the ordinary boy or girl knows or does not know, when they leave school; it is a question of the interests and tastes which they carry with them into life'. Education for a World Adrift, forming the latter part of the text, constitutes 'an attempt to consider what education can do to remedy the lack of standards and clear beliefs which is the most dangerous weakness of the Western world'.According to Sir Richard Livingstone, liberal education is focused on liberating people. This is achieved by having a discipline in learning fields such as social sciences, philosophy, and literature. Liberal education encourages discussion, debates, and service. The goals of this kind of education is to produce individuals who have their own mind and who can voice out their perspective about relevant matters in the society. To be liberally educated is to find and shape one's greatness.

Para sa karagdagang impormasyon sumangguni sa link:


26. what is Liberal Education? by richard​

it is focused on liberating the people, it is earned by having a proper disipline in feilds like philosophy and literature.

27. how does the author and historical background helped you in understanding the poem of richard cory?​

#hope it helps#carry on learning

Answer: tbh i dont know that story sorry u can only answer that because

maybe the story is only on ur book or module



28. Who are the modern “man with the hoe”? (Poem The Man With the Hoe by Edwin Markham)

The "man with the hoe" represents slaves and servants who have been robbed of their humanity. The poem alludes how we can make right the bent back of a man who has been abused and stolen of his freedom and facility. Markham asks how we can right a man who we had systematically put down and made to feel like the dirt of the ground. 

He also uses the men that has been blessed by God to highlight how we should have lived, rather than how we treat these people. 

29. jdwosgslaaha hoe hoe plsss​



2.fales/not sure


4.true/not sure.


6.dont know the answer



9.dont know the answer














30. How was Aida March used as background music? ​


A triumphal march is a musical form generally reflecting a triumph, victory or great joy.

Many composers have written a triumphal march, with maybe the best known one being by Italian opera composer, Giuseppe Verdi for his 1871 grand opera, Aida, where, in the second act, Radames leads the Egyptian army on its return following their victory over the Ethiopians. The triumphal scene gives directors the opportunity for elaborate spectacle typical of the grand opera of the period in the nineteenth century.

It often played during graduation ceremonies in Latin America[1] and the Philippines which is also called the Martsang Pandangál (Filipino for "Honours March") which is an excerpt from Verdi's march.[2] The piece is also one of three compositions (the other two being the Spanish anthem Marcha Real and the French anthem La Marseillaise) that influenced the Philippine National Anthem, according to its composer, Julián Felipe.[3] Verdi's triumphal march has also become the background of many a popular football chant, especially in his native Italy.

Among other composers who have composed triumphal marches are Ludwig van Beethoven, Edward Elgar, Edvard Grieg and Alfred Hollins. Alexander Glazunov's is known as the "Triumphal March on the Occasion of the Worlds Columbian Exposition in Chicago, 1893




background music is in the sense that we would not only listen to vocals,but we'll be appreciating the instrumentals that composed a song.



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