Recreation And Leisure Management

Recreation And Leisure Management

identify the role of recreation and leisure management​

Daftar Isi

1. identify the role of recreation and leisure management​



Recreation is any activity that people do for rest, relaxation, and enjoyment. The goal of recreation is to refresh a person's body and mind. Any business that provides activities for rest, relaxation and enjoyment, to refresh a person's body and mind is in the recreation business.


Leisure centre manager: job description Leisure centre managers are responsible for every aspect of the day-to-day management of centres dedicated to sports, leisure, health and fitness. They need to be well organised and able to lead and motivate a team.

2. brief discussion of your understanding about recreation and leisure management) A brief background and history​




Recreation is an action of relaxation, recreation being optional time. The "need to work on something for recreation" is a fundamental component of human science and brain research. Recreational exercises are frequently finished satisfaction, entertainment, or delight and are viewed as "fun".

Recreation is hard to isolate from the overall idea of play, which is typically the term for youngsters' recreational action. Youngsters may energetically impersonate exercises that mirror the real factors of grown-up life. It has been recommended that play or recreational exercises are outlets of or articulation of overabundance energy, diverting it into socially satisfactory exercises that satisfy individual just as cultural necessities, without need for impulse, and giving fulfillment and delight to the member. A conventional view holds that work is upheld by recreation, recreation being helpful to "re-energize the battery" so that work execution is improved.

What is the meaning of Recreation ? -


3.  What can leisure and recreation management offer them when primary social and financial needs are not being met?


improving the health and well-being of individuals


Like culture and art, recreation, leisure and sports activities play an important role in communities. Their many benefits include improving the health and well-being of individuals, contributing to the empowerment of individuals, and promoting the development of inclusive communities.

#keep on learning

4. I can maximised leisure for recreation

Answer: 21 Steps to More Leisure — and Less Labor — in Your Life

Attitude adjustment: Think time, not money. navee sangvitoon /

Make goals. WHYFRAME /

Ask for a raise. ...

Spend less than you make. ...

Make your money work harder. ...

Small and early, not large and later. ...

Pay yourself first. ...

Round up your savings

5. explain the varied views of recreation and leisure​

Varied Views of Recreation and Leisure • For some, recreation means the network of public agencies that provide parks, playgrounds, swimming pools, sports fields, and community centers in several cities, towns, countries or park districts.

6. Definitions of Leisure, Play, and Recreation

Leisure is an activity or tasks that people do during free time.  It is the use of free time for enjoyment.

Play is an activity where you enjoy and motivated to do such as sports.

Recreation is an activity where people do during free time. People enjoy doing recreational activity that benefits them physically.

See questions that might help you:

1. Which of the following can help you determine which fitness and recreational activities are realistic for you?

2. Your friend Kaye is overweight and she wants to start her weight loss program. What strategies and advice would you give her?

7. similarities of recreational activities and leisure activities?


You can do the same activities in both recreational and leisure activities

8. Explain the leisure and recreation all about?


Leisure has often been defined as a quality of experience or as free time.[1][2] Free time is time spent away from business, work, job hunting, domestic chores, and education, as well as necessary activities such as eating and sleeping. Leisure as an experience usually emphasizes dimensions of perceived freedom and choice. It is done for "its own sake", for the quality of experience and involvement.Other classic definitions include Thorsten Veblen's (1899) of "nonproductive consumption of time."[3]. Free time is not easy to define due to the multiplicity of approaches used to determine its essence. According to Mastrothanasis K. and Kladaki M. [4],two types of free time definitions may be distinguished: quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative definitions consider leisure time as the remaining time of working time. Different disciplines have definitions reflecting their common issues: for example, sociology on social forces and contexts and psychology as mental and emotional states and conditions. From a research perspective, these approaches have an advantage of being quantifiable and comparable over time and place.[5]

Leisure studies and sociology of leisure are the academic disciplines concerned with the study and analysis of leisure. Recreation differs from leisure in that it is a purposeful activity that includes the experience of leisure in activity contexts. Economists consider that leisure times are valuable to a person like wages that they could earn for the same time spend towards the activity. If it were not, people would have worked instead of taking leisure.[6] However, the distinction between leisure and unavoidable activities is not a rigidly defined one, e.g. people sometimes do work-oriented tasks for pleasure as well as for long-term utility.[7] A related concept is social leisure, which involves leisurely activities in social settings, such as extracurricular activities, e.g. sports, clubs. Another related concept is that of family leisure. Relationships with others is usually a major factor in both satisfaction and choice.

The concept of leisure as a human right was realised in article 24 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


all ehh sbi mopo

9. what are the foundation of recreation and leisure?​


Examples of recreation activities are walking, swimming, meditation, reading, playing games and dancing. Leisure refers to the free time that people can spend away from their everyday responsibilities (e.g. work and domestic tasks) to rest, relax and enjoy life.

hope it helps:>

10. What for you is leisure? recreation?


Leisure activities and recreational activities both benefits the mind and physical state especially when it comes to letting go of the tiredness and exhausting feeling and allowing yourself to revitalize your senses and mindful state.


Leisure is time freedom to get away from time consuming activities and duties  of your daily routines. Various activities can amuse and regenerate ones ability to perform new tasks after a relaxing event.  Recreational is a state where you get to spend time in a quality manner and engage not only your physical aspect, but your social and mental state. These are activities we consider productive or recreational.

We can spend time leisurely and recreational by:

watching movies and television seriescatching a great football gameplaying sports like hiking, horseback riding, or swimmingpaintingscrap booking artsbaking and cooking

11. how recreation relate to leisure?​


Recreation and leisure are closely related. Recreational activities are a type of leisure activity that can bring people together and create memories to last a lifetime. Leisure activities give people the opportunity to enjoy themselves while engaging in activities they find fulfilling, while recreation is a specific type of leisure activity which includes games, sports and other leisure pursuits that involve physical activity.



12. 1. Define the following questions based on your own understanding: *Recreation *Leisure *Leisure education 2. Discuss briefly the values derived in recreation. 3. Enumerate the characteristics of recreation 4. Enumerate the forms of recreation.


In this chapter, we discuss the concept of in tourism and hospitality. Recreation can be defined as the pursuit of leisure activities during one’s spare time (Tribe, 2011) and can include vastly different activities such as golfing, sport fishing, and rock climbing. Defining recreation as it pertains to tourism, however, is more challenging.

13. What is the difference between Leisure and recreation? ​


The difference between Leisure and Recreation

When used as nouns, leisure means freedom provided by the cessation of activities, whereas recreation means any activity, such as play, that amuses, diverts or stimulates. ... Free time, time free from work or duties.

14. what is leisure and recreation


Recreation and leisure are terms often used interchangeably. ... Leisure time is any free time that can be used to pursue personal interests. Recreation is an individual's preferred pleasurable and enjoyable activities in which they engage during leisure time


pa brianliest heart at rate nalang pohh

15. What for you is Leisure? Recreation?​


Leisure activities and recreational activities

both benefits the mind and physical state

especially when it comes to letting go of

the tiredness and exhausting feeling and

allowing yourself to revitalize your senses

and mindful state.

16. what for you is leisure recreation brainly


Leisure is an activity or tasks that people do during free time. It is the use of free time for enjoyment. Recreation is an activity where people do during free time. People enjoy doing recreational activity that benefits them physically.

Carry On Learning

17. i can maximine leisure for recreation​

Answer:Leisure activities and recreational activities both benefits the mind and physical state especially when it comes to letting go of the tiredness and exhausting feeling and allowing yourself to revitalize your senses and mindful state.

Explanation:Leisure is time freedom to get away from time consuming activities and duties  of your daily routines. Various activities can amuse and regenerate ones ability to perform new tasks after a relaxing event.  Recreational is a state where you get to spend time in a quality manner and engage not only your physical aspect, but your social and mental state. These are activities we consider productive or recreational.

We can spend time leisurely and recreational by:

watching movies and television series

catching a great football game

playing sports like hiking, horseback riding, or swimming


scrap booking


baking and cooking


18. what is the similarities and differences of leisure and recreation.

✒️PHYSICAL EDUCATION•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••✒️SIMILARITIES & DIFFERENCES

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Recreation and leisure are terms often used interchangeably. Both relate to what people choose to do in their freè time; time that is not otherwise used for work, school, or other activities like appointments and chores. Leisure time is any freè time that can be used to pursue personal interests.


Deriving from the above distinction,

✒️ LEISURE is the time at one's disposal to perform the non-routine activities and is usually rooted in the mind.

✒️ RECREATION is a pursuit that an individual engages in during leisure time.


#Hope it helps

19. Identify dominant social factors that influence the recreation and leisure service profession.What are the current challenges of Philippines in recreation leisure service activity.​


There are many social factors that can influence the recreation and leisure service profession. Some of the most important ones include cultural norms and values, economic conditions, technological advancements, and demographic changes. These factors can affect how people engage in recreational activities, the types of leisure services that are in demand, and the overall market for leisure services.

As for the challenges facing the Philippines in the area of recreation and leisure service activity, I am not able to provide specific information as I am a large language model trained by OpenAI and do not have access to current events or news. My knowledge is based on general information and is not specific to any particular location or time.


20. maximizes leisure for recreation (fit or not)​




Recreation and leisure are terms often used interchangeably. Both relate to what people

choose to do in their free time; time that is not otherwise used for work, school, or other activities like appointments and chores. Leisure time is any free time that can be used to pursue personal interests. Recreation is an individual’s preferred pleasurable and enjoyable activities in which they engage during leisure time.

Sana makatulong

21. difine recreation and leisure in your leisure word​


Examples of recreation activities are walking, swimming, meditation, reading, playing games and dancing. Leisure refers to the free time that people can spend away from their everyday responsibilities (e.g. work and domestic tasks) to rest, relax and enjoy life.

22. differentiate recreation from leisure ​


Recreation is an individual's preferred pleasurable and enjoyable activities in which they engage during leisure time.


23. The values of leisure and recreational activities​


Taking part in recreational activities, especially outdoors, can greatly improve physical health. People who take part in park activities such as walking, hiking, or skiing, schedule fewer office visits, maintain lower body fat percentages, and have lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

24. what is the difference of recreation/leisure and entertainment?​




Leisure is one's discretionary time spent in non-compulsory activities, time spent away from cares and toils. ... The big difference between leisure and entertainment is that leisure is defined in terms of the consumers' time, free time, whereas entertainment is defined more as an activity that is offered to them.


is that recreation is any activity, such as play, that amuses, diverts or stimulates or recreation can be the process of recreating something while entertainment is an activity designed to give pleasure, enjoyment, diversion, amusement, or relaxation to an audience, no matter whether the audience participates passively as in watching opera or a movie, or actively as in games.

25. motivators of having leisure and recreation?​


Often, recreational activities are seen as a means of providing excitement and challenge, as a means of relaxation and escape, as a way to relieve stress, or as a way to balance work and play. These are psychological motivators that contribute to our mental health.

26. interpret the values and benefits of recreation and leisure​


RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES help manage stress. It provides a chance to nurture oneself and provides a sense of balance and self-esteem, which can directly reduce anxiety depression.


27. what for you is leisure?recreation?​


Leisure is an activity or tasks that people do during free time. It is the use of free time for enjoyment. ... Recreation is an activity where people do during free time. People enjoy doing recreational activity that benefits them physically.


correct me if I'm wrong:'))


LEISURE: freedom provided by the cessation of activities especially : time free from work or duties increase of leisure, diminution of hustle are the ends to be sought — Bertrand Russell.

RECREATION AND LEISURE: Recreation and leisure are terms often used interchangeably. ... Leisure time is any free time that can be used to pursue personal interests. Recreation is an individual's preferred pleasurable and enjoyable activities in which they engage during leisure time.



28. differentiate leisure and recreation​


leisure means freedom provided by the cessation of activities

recreation means any activity, such as play, that amuses, diverts or stimulates

29. What for you is leisure? Recreation?

Leisure is an activity or tasks that people do during free time.  It is the use of free time for enjoyment.

Play is an activity where you enjoy and motivated to do such as sports.

Recreation is an activity where people do during free time. People enjoy doing recreational activity that benefits them physically.


See questions that might help you:

1. Which of the following can help you determine which fitness and recreational activities are realistic for you?

2. Your friend Kaye is overweight and she wants to start her weight loss program. What strategies and advice would you give her?

Leisure is an activity or tasks that people do during free time. Recreation is an activity where people do during free time.


30. leisure and recreation for individuals in society?​


Different or they have similarities


all those activities that people choose to do to refresh their bodies and minds

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